Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

105 Fakta Unik Greyson Chance

1. Greyson lahir hari sabtu, 16 Agustus 1997 di Witchita Falls, Texas
2. Nama lengkapnya Greyson Michael Chance
3. Zodiak Greyson itu Leo
4. Nama pangilanya G-Chance, GC, Enchen
5. Nama ibunya adalah Lisa Chance dan ayahnya adalah Scott
6. Dia punya 2 kaka yang sangat ia sayang, nama kakanya itu Alexa (kakak perempuan) dan Tanner (kakak laki-laki tertua).
7. Grey terkenal anak yang jahil
8. Greyson punya pengalaman dengan patah hati
9. Dulu dia pernah dibully gara gara ngefans sama lady gaga , karena dia pernah dibully dia buat lagu Purple Sky
10. Inspirasi terbesarnya itu Lady Gaga, Augustana
11. Dia nandatanganin kontraknya dengan Record Label EllenDeGeneres, Ellen nemuin video paparazi yang dibawakan grey saat itu videonya hanya ditonton 1000 orang
12.Dia juga ngefans sama Elton John, John Legend, John Lennon dan Christina Aguilera
13. Greyson udah bisa main piano dari umur 8 tahun *wew*
14. Greyson gak pernah latihan vocal secara formal *kok suaranya bisa bagus banget gitu yaaa??*
15. Greyson itu suka angka 11
16. Greyson punya iphone tapi dia lebih suka pakai Blackberry
17. Dia suka banget sama film Harry Potter
18. motto nya greyson: “go for today, don’t worry about the future it’ll come eventually” sama “No matter what, always be yourself!”
19. Sebelum konser, ritual yang dilakukan Greyson adalah berdoa bersama, memeluk bandnya dan mencium ibunya
20. Greyson itu sangat sayang sama semua fansnya, dia bilang fansnya itu adalah pacarnya
21. Greyson kurang suka kalau ditanya masalah pacar, menurutnya dia itu masih kecil dan gak mau selingkuh dari fansnya haha
22.Junk food kesukaanya adalah Mc.D. dia suka pizza :9 dan juga kalo misalnya lagi tour dia harus bawa PopChips, Gatorade, MSM’s
23. Greyson seneng kalau fansnya bilang dia itu “UNYU” padahal dia gak ngerti artinya
24. Justin Bieber pernah ngetwet MVnya enchen yang Unfriend you itu bagus *setuju giwla sama JB*
25. Greyson lebih suka sms daripada telephone *ngiriiit hehe*
26. Dia punya anjing dan 3 kucing. Nama anjingnya adalah Macy Chance :o ada eh tapi macy udah meninggal :( kucingnya itu namanya Oreo, Rachel sama Smokey lagi lagi pake chance
27. Greyson meniptakan lagu nya sendiri
28. lagu yang paling susah dia buat itu home is in your eyes
29. Dia ingin sekali bisa nyanyi bareng Hayley Williams
30. Greyson gak suka cowok yang pake make up, dia paling gak suka cowok pembohong
31. Mantannya greyson itu Lauren sama Allysa
32. Greyson itu pingin banget main di Glee, dia pengen peran sebagai adiknya Finn
33. Sahabat barunya sekarang adalah Cody Simpsons dan Ariana Grande
34. Warna favoritnya hitam, biru, putih
35. Greyson pernah gak sengaja nyium bibir fansnya
36. Greyson senang manggil fansnya itu ‘sweetie’ atau ‘sweetheart’
37. Greyson itu pinter dalam pelajaran matematika katanya dia selalu dapet nilai A
38. Kalo Greyson terpana sama satu gadis, Greyson bakal ngajak seorang gadis pada kencan pertama ke Bioskop atau dinner
39.Greyson itu suka banget sama Selena Gomez dan sudah menganggap Selena itu kakaknya.
40. Grey sering dengar lagu Party Rock Anthem! Dan dia menyukainya, dia kalo denger lagu ini sambil goyang goyang dan mencoba untuk shuffle loh walaupun gagal terus *semangat chen*
41. Lagu Broken Heart ecen tulis sendiri kata dia lagu itu terinspirasi dari 2 cewek yang mutusin aku dan buat aku marah
42. Greyson suka pakai baju yang casual
43. Greyson gak suka dibilang Youtube Sensasion dia lebih suka dibilang New Artist
44. Greyson pengen bbuat piano yang hiasannya itu foto fansnya
45. Greyson pernah mikir apa ada salah satu fansnya yang bakal jadi jodohnya
46. greyson suka cewek yang berambut keriting
47. Greyson lebih suka cewek manis daripada cewek cantik
48. Lagu Hold on til’ the night itu merupakan kisah nyata dari seorang gadis
49. Greyson lebih suka main piano daripada hang out bareng temen temennya
50. Greyson suka sama Taylor Swift karena menurut dia Taylor itu cute
51. Agama Greyson itu Kristen Katolik
52. tulisan di MV unfriend you itu ternya lirik HOTTN
53. ada 26 kata waiting di lagu waiting outside the line
54. tenyata diem diem greyson itu suka fotografi
55. Greyson bilang lagu yang paling enjoy dia nyanyiin pas perform itu Unfriend You
56. Greyson bisa berbicara logat australia dengan baik
57. Greyson suka cewek yang bisa dance
58. Greyson kurang begitu suka kalau dia dibilang The Next Justin Bieber walau dia bangga bisa disandinkan dengan Jb tapi dia bilang suara mereka itu beda jadi Greyson ya Greyson Justin ya Justin
59. Sebelum terkenal Greyson suka ngelawak sama temen temennya
60. Greyson suka musim dingin
61. Setelah putus sama Lauren mereka malah sahabatan *wah betapa baiknya grey*
62. Samapi sekarang Greyson dan Lauren masih suka smsan
63. Nama twitter greyson dulu itu @greyson97 sebelum berubah jadi @Greysonchance
64. Greyson very like to see an Asian Girl, because he think asian girl it so beautiful and natural
65. Greyson suka kalah kalau main video games sama Cody
66. Greyson pengen baik bisa main gitar, pas lagi nyoba main gitar tangnya sampai pernah terluka
67. Greyson masuk kedalam 10 artis papan atas di majalah The magazine
68. Greyson selalu berusaha ngebales mention para fansnya
69. Some words on his piano are: Music, Anger, Love, Laughing, Art, Hope, Lips, Buildings, Something, Rainbow and Mysterious.
70.Greyson punya panggilan khusus untuk Cody Simpson. Yaitu “Coco”. Sedangkan Cody manggil Greyson dengan sebutan “BabyFace”
71. He loves flat shoes and a jacket that looks like a shirt.
72. Greyson sangat suka membaca
73. Olahraga favorit greyson itu sepak bola, walau sebenernya dia gak terlalu suka olah raga
74. Greyson pernah main film judulnya Rising Hope
75. Greyson kagum dengan lirik lirik The journey dan Steve Perry
76. Dilagu HOTTN itu greyson bilang kepada para fansnya jangan takut, raihlah keberanian, dan terima semua resiko
77. Greyson sering pakai kalung
78. Greyson kalau baru kenal sama orang pasti banyak ngomong
79. Greyson sering nulis nama Lady Gaga
80. greyson pernah nyumbang $5000 ke rumah sakit anak di Oklahoma
81. Greyson sekarang lagi belajar main drum
82. Greyson pikir Dianna Agron dari Glee itu sangat manis
83. Greyson suka pakai sepatu converse
84. Greyson gak takut sama ketinggian
85. Tahun 2012 Greyson mau konser di Asia tenggara lagi tapi kapannya masih dirahsasiakan
86. Setaip 1 menit sekali greyson bisa dapet 5- 10 mention dari fansnya
87. Greyson lebih suka kucing daripada anjing
88. Ada akun @LittleGee97 yang lagi dipertanyakan siapa dia sebenernya oleh para echencers
89. Greyson tertarik banget sama indonesia karena dia bilang di indo banyak para fansnya
90. Greyson suka lagu mistletoenya Justin Bieber
91. Greyson gak percaya kalau dia itu cute
92. Greyson suka belajar bahasa perancis karena menurut dia itu seni
93. Greyson suka kembang api bonfire
94. Greyson suka banget main Angry Birds
95. Buku favorite greyson itu Lookin for Alaska
96. Greyson Chance, Cody simpson, dan Justin Bieber itu deket juga lhoo
97. Lagu Take a Look at Me Now itu adalah lagu buat orang orang yang gak percaya sama kemampuan grey
98. Greyson suka makanan mexico
99. Album pertamannya itu Hold on Til’ The Night
100. Rencana greyson akan merilis album “X-Traordinary” wah gak sabar nunggunya hehe
101. Jika greyson menjadi seekor hewan iya akan memilih menjadi burung :0
102. Greyson chance pernah mencegah kucingnya untuk melompati kursi yg jaraknya sangat pendek. __"
103. Greyson sudah Move On dari lauren westphalen :) yuhuuu...
104. Greyson ingin sekali pergi ke Monas :D
105. Tinggi badan greyson sekarang melebihi tinggi badan JB dan Zayn Malik... omg...

External links

External links

Awards and recognition

Awards and recognition

Year Category Award Result
2010 Choice Web Star Teen Choice Awards Won
Icon of Tomorrow J-14 Teen Icon Awards Won
Teen Pick: YouTube Artist Hollywood Teen TV Awards Won
2011 Favorite Viral Video Star People's Choice Awards Won
Rockin’ New Artist of the Year Youth Rock Awards Won
2012 Most Popular New International Artist of the Year MTV-CCTV Mandarin Music Awards Won
2013 Most Dedicated Fan Army[52] Heat Tweets Award Won
Greatest YouTube Star Popdust Award Nominated

Music videos

Music videos

Year Song Director
2010 "Waiting Outside the Lines" Sanaa Hamri
2011 "Unfriend You" Marc Klasfeld[51]
2011 "Take A Look At Me Now" Getmusic Asia
2011 "Hold On 'til the Night" Dano Cerny, Marielle Tepper
2012 "Sunshine & City Lights" Clarence Fuller



  • "Waiting Outside the Lines" (peaked at #12 on the Billboard Heatseakers chart)
  • "Unfriend You"
  • "Hold On 'til the Night"
  • "Take a Look at Me Now"
  • "Sunshine & City Lights"



Studio albums

Year Album Peak position Sales
2011 Hold On 'til the Night 29
  • US: 16,000 (first week)

Extended play

Year Album Peak position Sales
2012 Truth Be Told, Part 1
  • Released: October 29, 2012
  • Label: Geffen, ElevenEleven, Maverick, Atom Factory
  • Format: CD, Digital download

In the Media

In the media

Greyson at the film premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 in July 2011.
On the morning of May 11, 2010, Chance's cover video of "Paparazzi" was embedded at RyanSeacrest.com, which reported finding the video via BuzzFeed, a website that attempts to track and predict emerging viral internet memes.[16] Later in the day, TVGuide,[17] The Huffington Post,[18] and Yahoo! Music's video blog, Video Ga Ga,[3] also posted articles embedding the video; TVGuide mentioned in its article that a Facebook fan page had already been started for Chance. That afternoon, Ryan Seacrest and DeGeneres linked the video on their Twitter accounts,[19][20] as did celebrity Ashton Kutcher[21] later that evening.
On May 12, 2010, DeGeneres' announcement of Chance's booking, on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, was broadcast at different times across the U.S. and posted to her website.[22] Wall Street Journal[23] and Los Angeles Times,[24] among other mainstream media, posted articles embedding the video and announcing the forthcoming appearance. That evening, ABC World News broadcast a report on Chance which was introduced by Diane Sawyer, who said the story struck ABC News as "part Billy Elliot and part Glee."[25] Also that evening, Guy Oseary, an L.A.-based entertainment manager whose clients include Madonna, Demi Moore, and Ashton Kutcher, recommended Greyson's "Paparazzi" video on Twitter.[26]
On May 13, 2010, Chance's appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show was broadcast, and mainstream media, including CBS[27] and People,[28] reported on the appearance. That morning, Ryan Seacrest posted another link on Twitter, this time to the video of Chance appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.[29] Not only has he received attention from DeGeneres and Seacrest but also, on May 14, singer, songwriter, and author David Archuleta linked the video on Twitter claiming that Greyson "is talented."[30]
On May 15, 2010, Greyson Chance created an official MySpace page[31] and an official Twitter[32] account. The same day, Crazed Hits, a music industry "tip-sheet" run by Alex Wilhelm, while citing no sources, reported that Interscope Records had signed 12-year-old Chance to a record deal.[33] The same day, NewsOK posted a video, "Three Things to Know about Greyson Michael Chance", and an article in which Chance's father, was quoted as saying the family would spend the weekend deciding how they wanted to proceed before signing any contracts.[34]
On May 18, 2010, the New York Post reported on the deal with Interscope Records, citing Chance's sister and father as confirming the deal; The Post also reported that calls made to Chance's school were being referred to Guy Oseary.[35] On May 25, Ellen DeGeneres announced that she had formed a record label called eleveneleven and Chance was her first artist.[36] Guy Oseary who manages Madonna's career and Troy Carter, who manages Lady Gaga's career, would be co-managers of Greyson Chance's career, but no partnership with a major recording label had been finalized.[37]
The chronology of events has resulted in media analysis of the marketing phenomenon separately from musical or biographical elements. On May 15, 2010, The Christian Science Monitor published an article by staff writer Gloria Goodale; citing Chance's quick rise to media attention and the establishment of various official and fan websites for Chance, as well as concerns raised by music industry analyst Jeff Snyder about the quality of the video itself, Goodale asked "whether there's a Big Media hand behind sixth grader Greyson Michael Chance."[14] On May 18, 2010, Goodale followed this up with a second article focusing on the modern "age of media manipulation", which she introduced by saying, "Reports so far suggest that the Greyson Chance YouTube video is legit."[38] On May 18, 2010, ITN News posted a video report to its YouTube channel, in which many of the same questions were raised; highlighting aspects of Chance's "Paparazzi" video, media industry analyst Alan Stevens pointed out the growing inability within our modern media culture to distinguish between videos which are produced by amateurs and videos which are produced by professionals but made to appear amateur in origin.[39]
His debut single title "Waiting Outside the Lines" was released to iTunes on October 26, 2010. It was released digitally in the UK on December 9. The single also contained a studio version of his cover of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi". In early December 2010 he visited both Paris and London, appearing on local radio stations and giving private concerts in both cities.[40][41]
On February 5,[42] Greyson Chance entered the National spotlight again with an appearance/performance of "Waiting Outside The Lines" on the CBS Early Show, while stopping through New York on his tour with Miranda Cosgrove.
On May 17, 2011 his new single "Unfriend You" was released to iTunes.[43]
On April 9, he started the Waiting 4U tour with Australian pop/R&B singer Cody Simpson in Ivins, Utah. The tour ended on May 18, 2011 in Portland, Oregon.
On May 23, Greyson visited The Ellen DeGeneres Show to premiere his new single, "Unfriend You". After the performance, Greyson revealed a solid release date for his upcoming debut album, Hold On 'Til the Night, which was released on August 2, 2011. The music video features a cameo from Victorious star, Ariana Grande.[44]
On September 15, he again appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to talk about his album, and also revealed that he had taken his first steps into acting, portraying a younger version of Jimmy Chance, the protagonist of Raising Hope, in the series' second season premiere.[45]
In November 2011, Greyson undertook a tour of Southeast Asia to promote his album, which had just been released in the region. Starting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where in addition to a showcase performance he was invited to perform at the Anugerah Industri Muzik (Malaysian Music Industry Awards) show (the first foreign artist so invited since 1999), Greyson also gave performances in Singapore; Kota Kinabalu (Borneo, Malaysia); Manila, Philippines; and Jakarta, Indonesia.[46][47][48]
In March 2012, Greyson returned to Asia, this time with his full four-part band, and gave full concert performances in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, and Manila, before going on without the band on a promotional tour to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, Thailand. In early July he was back in the region for promotional and TV appearances in Hong Kong and Changsha (Hunan Province, China). In August he performed at the MTV-CCTV Mandarin Music Awards show in Beijing, and won the award for Most Popular New International Artist of the Year.[49]
In November 2012, after releasing his new EP, Truth Be Told Part 1, he again returned to Asia for a promo tour. Starting in Kota Kinabalu (Borneo, Malaysia) to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Singapore and Manila, Philippines.
As of 2013, Greyson is currently in the process of writing and recording his sophomore studio album.



Chance's "Paparazzi" cover video was posted to YouTube, on April 28, 2010, and for almost two weeks the video generated low views. At least two social websites, GossipBoy.ca and reddit.com, posted video embeds on May 10, 2010. Ellen DeGeneres first saw the video after Chance's brother, Tanner Chance, wrote to her show suggesting she watch it.[5] The video had about 10,000 views when DeGeneres first saw it.[6] While explaining her reasons for naming her new record label eleveneleven, she listed as one reason the fact that she first saw Chance's "Paparazzi" cover on May 11, 2010. Also, she states that 11 is Greyson's soccer jersey number.[7] On the afternoon of May 11, Yahoo! Music reported: "As of this writing, the video has got more than 36,000 views so far, and he's even been invited to perform on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.[3]
On May 12, 2010 Greyson Chance taped an interview and performance of "Paparazzi" for Ellen in Los Angeles.[8] It was broadcast on May 13.[9][10] During the interview, Chance received a phone call from Lady Gaga,[11] who the boy says is his "true inspiration."[12] This first appearance on Ellen was followed by a second appearance on the show, airing May 26, 2010, on which Chance performed his original song "Broken Hearts", received a $10,000 award for winning Ellen's Wonderful Web of Wonderment contest, a brand new Yamaha piano, and was announced as DeGeneres's first signed artist to her new recording label eleveneleven.[13] Chance now has many fans on online social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.[14] Greyson Chance also appeared at We Day (also known as Me to We Day 2010) in downtown Toronto at the Air Canada Centre, where he performed "Fire" by Augustana.[15]

Personal Life

Personal life

Chance was born on August 16, 1997 in Wichita Falls, Texas, and currently resides in Edmond, Oklahoma. He is the youngest child of Scott and Lisa Chance. Chance has an older sister, Alexa, and an older brother, Tanner, both of whom also do music. Chance began playing the piano at the age of 8 and has had three years of piano lessons. He, however, had no formal vocal training.
Of his inspiration, Chance said, "I love artists who are able to communicate their emotions through music and sing from the heart. That’s what I’m hoping to do with my songs." He was emboldened by Lady Gaga after seeing her performance of "Paparazzi" at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. He stated, "I was awestruck by her performance. I love her sense of drama and theatricality. Plus, she’s an amazing singer and piano player." Chance was also inspired by the artists Christina Aguilera, Augustana, John Legend, Elton John